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- - - MILITARY LIFE - - -

Night blindness crash chasing the marine generals bad son
Harm's "Nightblindness" crash that sent him to JAG Chasing down the Marine General's evil son
Flack like in Hanoi while flying ATARS missions After saving the CAG
Flying an ATARS mission with the CAG, just like it was in Hanoi Harm, after saving the CAG
How are we going to get out? ... Have faith! "You're too young to be called 'Pappy'... I don't think your dad would mind"
saving the constitution extracting from the middleast Recieving the bronze star from clinton
Hangin' over devils tower Extracting from the middleast Another medal
Looping in a learjet
Landing shuttle trainer Looping in a Lear in Cuba
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Shooting gun in court
Shooting gun in court
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In Sharpshooters sights Harm the rednosed Tomcat
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Pushing F14 by it's tail hook earns a second DFC award Going to get cell phone on Tiger Cruise Stopping tank driver from kidnapping his son
"You just won't be yourself" Flying a stolen MIG with Mac Fighting Checins If I were younger, taller, not married...
Silver star for saving ship from "dirty" nuke missile Met with Castro over shipwrecked girl Faked malfunction to trick a FurhlTech confession After uncovering killer pilot with vertigo
Chasing down assassin Rokatov Flying COD with CAG "Permission to make a speed run?" Dropping flares in Afganistan
Ejecting the Boss Dodging Fuente's missle Harm with CAG Bug eyed Harm
Ejecting the boss- Chegwidden Dodging Fuentes' missle
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Were you always this obnoxious? Bug Eyed Harm
Blowin' Sadik's Missles Getting "fired" Welcome to the "brotherhood" Turbo CIA takeoff

Toasting Chegwidden Chegwidden in nam being 'beamed' landing blind
Chegwiddens retirement toast
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Chegwidden in 'Nam "Beamed" by Bradenhurst UFO Landing blind

saving Skates Harm and Mac in Afganistan Harm undercover in Afganistan
Shot by Palmer Saving Skates Finding Captain Jack Afgan Harm

Josh disobeyed
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Judge Harm Saving the Ebola virus Helping wounded Chegwidden

Trying to make it back for Mac's wedding, he flew through the "mother of all storm cells" with skates and had to eject and be rescued. Found through Mac's clairvoyant abilities, he almost died of hypothermia and lost his memory.
Jumpin' Harms bones Lost his hearing from booby trap

Contunue on to Harm's SOCIAL LIFE